Mangrove Terrapin

Mangrove Terrapin

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Inauguration of Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center

Views: 3710
Inauguration of Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center
(November 29, 2017)   -   Fisheries Administration (FiA) and WCS inaugurated the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC) on ....


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Twenty-five Critically Endangered Royal Turtles Return to the Wild

Views: 5551
Twenty-five Critically Endangered Royal Turtles Return to the Wild
(November 15, 2017)   -   25 Royal Turtles Returned to their natural habitat in the Sre Ambel river system, the only place...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Nine Siamese Crocodiles Hatch at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre

Views: 5034
Nine Siamese Crocodiles Hatch at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre
(August 14, 2017)   -   Nine Siamese crocodiles have hatched at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Cen...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

WCS Supports Decision by Ministry of Mines and Energy to Stop Sand Dredging in Sre Ambel River System

Views: 4607
WCS Supports Decision by Ministry of Mines and Energy to Stop Sand Dredging in Sre Ambel River System
(July 18, 2017)   -   WCS supports the Ministry of Mines and Energy’s (MME) decision to stop all types of sand dredging activities in Sre Amble River system in....


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

First Nest of Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile Recorded in Sre Ambel River System

Views: 4720
First Nest of Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile Recorded in Sre Ambel River System
(June 27, 2017)   -   Conservationists from the Fisheries Administration (FiA), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and local communities found a nest with 19 eggs of the Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile in Kean-to pond, near Preah Angkeo Village, Dongpheng Commune, Sre Ambel District, Koh Kong Province, while searching for tracks, signs, and dung of wild crocodiles in the area. This is the first Siamese Crocodile nest recorded in six years of research and protection in the Sre Ambel River System. Siamese Croc...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Over 150 Asian Giant Softshell Turtles Returns to the Wild

Views: 7680
Over 150 Asian Giant Softshell Turtles Returns to the Wild
(June 21, 2017)   -   WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) in collaboration with Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA) and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) released 150 Endangered Asian Giant Softshell Turtle hatchlings into their natural habitat along the Mekong River.The hatchlings are part of a community protection program designed to increase the wild population of the species, and had been collected from nests that were guarded by local communities.The Asian Giant Softshell Turtle (Pelochelys cantorii) is l...


Nine New Royal Turtle Hatchlings Taken to Conservation Center in Koh Kong

Views: 5522
Nine New Royal Turtle Hatchlings Taken to Conservation Center in Koh Kong
(May 10, 2017)   -   After being protected for three months, nine new hatchlings of Royal Turtle successfully hatched and were taken to Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre, Koh Kong Province, for feeding, raising and possibly breeding in the future.


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking care of captive Royal Turtles

Views: 5633
Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking care of captive Royal Turtles
(February 28, 2017)   -   Hundreds of thousands of people have heard of the Royal Turtle, Cambodia’s National Reptile, but not many are aware that Ms. Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking caring for and feeding captive Royal Turtles.


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Illegal Electro-fishing Killing Royal Turtle

Views: 8863
Illegal Electro-fishing Killing Royal Turtle
(February 16, 2017)   -   An adult female Royal Turtle was killed by illegal electro-fishing in the Sre Ambel area last week. The dead turtle, which is over 11 years old and weighs 9kg, was found dead along ​the Kaong River.


New Turtle Hatchlings

Views: 8194
New Turtle Hatchlings
(July 14, 2010)   -   Eleven new turtle hatchlings are being reared at the Sre Ambel hatchling centre.


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Improvements to the Sre Ambel Hatchling Centre

Views: 8271
Improvements to the Sre Ambel Hatchling Centre
(January 01, 2010)   -   The project team has focused on improving facilities at the hatchling centre in 2008


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