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Unlocking the potential for sustainable Community Zones in the Northern Plains

A research on sustainable development in community zones in Cambodia's Northern Plains

The Status of Key Species in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary 2022

Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area within the Eastern Plains of Cambodia. The protected area is unique site of very high biodiversity value, however this diversity is under threat. This report presents the results of surveys conducted over the past 12 years to reveal the population trends of 13 key species inhabiting Keo Seima. PUBLISHED VERSION DOI:

Communities at the Core of Protected Area Management: Learning from Customary Tenure Documentation Experiences in Cambodia. MRLG Case Study Series #8

The case study presents the lessons from three experiences of customary tenure documentation in protected areas in the Cambodian provinces of Preah Vihear, Mondul Kiri, and Ratanak Kiri. It is based on the work of the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Highlanders Association. The study examines how effective the documentation can be as a tool to improve tenure and natural resource rights, protected area management and conservation practices in protected areas. In particular, it can help to ensure adherence to inclusivity, and the principles of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). It provides key insights into the importance of recognising the practices and tenure rights of forest dependent communities inside protected areas for both community well-being and conservation efforts. The lessons from the three initiatives lead to several recommendations relevant to the legal and policy framework or to protected area management practices. These recommendations aim to contribute to debates taking place in Cambodia to enhance nature conservation efforts.

KSWS REDD+ Benefit Sharing Manual, version 2.0

Revenue generated by the project through carbon credit sales is distributed via a waterfall model, covering carbon credit transaction costs, a contribution to the Royal Government of Cambodia’s forest conservation fund, core project activities for KSWS REDD+, the Cash for Communities (C4C) program, KSWS REDD+ project strengthening, and an operating reserve. An integral part of the project is benefit sharing with 20 local communities that participate in the project. Fourteen key principles have been outlined to guide the development of a mechanism for benefit sharing.

WCS Judicial Guidelines on Wildlife Crimes (2022)

These pilot Guidelines were developed jointly by the Ministry of Justice and WCS between 2020 and 2022. The purpose of this document is to serve as a reference and to provide guidance to the Courts in handling cases related to wildlife crime, for example on investigations, selection of the charge of sentencing. The Guidelines are consistent with, and draw on, the domestic legal framework applicable to wildlife crime in Cambodia.
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