Press Releases

Entries for October 2016

Combating Wildlife Crime in Cambodia

Views: 11475
Combating Wildlife Crime in Cambodia
(October 28, 2016)   -   WCS announced today the completion of a training course for twenty government staff members, including protected area directors, law enforcement team leaders and advisors on law enforcement, as part of its support to counter-wildlife trafficking work in Cambodia.


Twenty-five Cambodia’s Royal Turtles Headed to Wildlife Conservation Center in Siem Reap

Views: 8678
Twenty-five Cambodia’s Royal Turtles Headed to Wildlife Conservation Center in Siem Reap
(October 18, 2016)   -   Twenty-five Royal Turtles have settled into their new home at the Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB) in Siem Reap. This move creates a second captive population after 206 turtles were moved to the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre in Mondul Seima district of Koh Kong Province in September.


From Poacher to Protector

Views: 4411
From Poacher to Protector
(October 11, 2016)   -   “Previously, I was not aware of the importance of wildlife, and its protection. What I knew was wildlife could provide food for my family or be sold for cash. I used to poach wildlife, such as Red Muntjac, Wild Pig, monitor lizards, and birds for food and sale,” said Neil, a former poacher.


Posted in: Northern Plains