Press Releases

Entries for December 2020

Official opening of the IBIS Rice Conservation Company Warehouse

Views: 6243
Official opening of the IBIS Rice Conservation Company Warehouse
(December 23, 2020) On Tuesday 22nd December 2020, WCS, the IBIS Rice Conservation Co., Ltd IRCC and Samsom Mlup Prey Organisation (SMP) were honored to welcome the H.E. Say Samal (Chairman of National Sustainable Development Council and Minister of Ministry of Environment) to the IBIS Rice warehouse located in Sangkat Phsar Derm Thkov, Phnom Penh. During his visit, his excellency was shown the manufacturing and packaging of wildlife-friendly and organic products and received the opportunity to taste some of the la...


Using mixed methods to understand sensitive wildlife poisoning behaviours in northern Cambodia

Views: 3308
Using mixed methods to understand sensitive wildlife poisoning behaviours in northern Cambodia
(December 04, 2020) Abstract In northern Cambodia, threatened wildlife, livestock and people are being poisoned by pesticides deposited in seasonal waterholes. Addressing this critical conservation threat requires understanding the drivers of poisoning behaviours and the social contexts in which they occur. This study across 10 communities in two protected areas aimed to provide a first assessment of this phenomenon. We used the theory of planned behaviour to measure socio-psychological determinants of behaviour a...


Posted in: Northern Plains