Press Releases

Entries for April 2019

20 Royal Turtles released into their natural habitat

Views: 4082
20 Royal Turtles released into their natural habitat
(April 26, 2019) Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Department of Fisheries Conservation of Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries released today 20 Critically Endangered Royal Turtles into the Sre Ambel River system, in Boeng Trach village, Chamkar Luong commune in Kampong Seila district of Preah Sihanouk province. The release was made under the EU-funded project implemented by WCS in partnership with Wildlife Alliance, Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) and the ...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

KSWS Working Group receives capacity building on zonation of protected areas

Views: 3069
KSWS Working Group receives capacity building on zonation of protected areas
(April 04, 2019) Phnom Penh – Members of working group for zonation of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) received the first capacity building on “Process and Procedure of Zonation and Management Plan for KSWS” after the group was formed in August last year.   Funded by US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and co-organized by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and WCS, the two-day training, commencing on March 28, aimed t...


Posted in: Seima Forest