Press Releases

Entries for June 2020

Ministry of Environment delegation visits wildlife sanctuaries in Preah Vihear and the Northern Tonle Sap

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Ministry of Environment delegation visits wildlife sanctuaries in Preah Vihear and the Northern Tonle Sap
(June 10, 2020) Preah Vihear – His Excellency Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State and Spokesman of the Ministry of Environment (MoE) led an MoE delegation and a group of local journalists to visit Kulen Promtep and Chheb Wildlife Sanctuaries in Preah Vihear province and the Bengal Florican Conservation Area in Kampong Thom provinces Stoung district June 9 – 10, 2020. While in Preah Vihear the delegation met with local communities to learn about organic and wildlife-friendly rice production, community-...


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