Press Releases

Entries for August 2020

8 Giant Ibis nests found at the beginning of its nesting season this year

Views: 4692
8 Giant Ibis nests found at the beginning of its nesting season this year
(August 14, 2020) Supported by the USAID GPL, so far this breeding season eight Giant Ibis nests have been found in the middle of the nesting season this year, running from May through to October. The GPL/WCS Bird Nest Protection Team estimated that the number of nests will increase between now and October.   From 2004 until 2020, 413 Giant Ibis nests and 649 fledglings have been protected in the Northern Plains of Cambodia which covers Chheb Wildlife Sanctuary, Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, Prey P...


WCS provides training course on “Patrol Data Collection Using SMART Mobile App” for counterparts

Views: 3742
WCS provides training course on “Patrol Data Collection Using SMART Mobile App” for counterparts
(August 11, 2020) Last week, WCS SMART team, in collaboration with Fisheries Administration, provided a two-day training course on “Patrol Data Collection Using SMART Mobile App” for counterparts from Fisheries Administration Cantonments in Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provinces and five fisheries communities along the Sre Ambel River system. The training aimed to build capacity of the participants on how to use SMART Mobile App for accurate data collection and freshwater law enforcement field observat...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin