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Nguon Leng Phlong
National SMART Manager
Leng completed his Bachelor Degree of Land Management and Land Administration at Royal University of Agriculture. And later successfully completed a scholarship from Conservation Society for GIS in California (USA), which aimed to developing his GIS skills to monitor natural resources. Leng has been involved in conservation work since 2013 focusing on GIS and spatial monitoring with Conservation International (CI), Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Since joining WCS in 2015, his responsibility has focused on Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART), which supporting the law enforcement patrol team on SMART database management. Leng is really excited to learn about new technologies for supporting conservation activities to safeguard wildlife and wild place in Cambodia and in around the world.
Phearun Sum
Tonle Sap Landscape Manager
Phearun has a Master’s of Science in Biodiversity Conservation from Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). He has been working with WCS since October 2018 as the Tonle Sap Landscape Technical Advisor. In more than 10-years of conservation, he has remarkable succeed story in leading various species research and conservation projects, apply conservation ecology, landscape management and conservation approaches for both terrestrial and freshwater wetland ecosystems. He is a passionate conservationist who has many year experiences working on conservation ecology of the Giant Ibis, White-shouldered Ibis, three Cambodian Vulture Species, Sarus Crane, Bengal Florican, Eld’s Deer and other large waterbird species in Cambodia. He believes that “it’s the right time to act and challenge for positive changes of which the integrated landscape management approach is the key to achieve largescale conservation outcomes and meet sustainable livelihood improvement requirements”. The Tonle Sap and its floodplain is one of the most critical and productive landscape for biodiversity conservation and supporting the livelihood of millions people. Regarding its unique and irreplaceable value, together we can protect our environment and build up a great conservation success.
Rithiny Teng
Director of Policy and Program Development
Rithiny Teng has completed her MSc in Environmental Management, and Diploma in Environmental Systems, Market & Climate Change from the University of New England, Australia. She has more than 10 years’ experience working in the field of environmental policy, REDD+ and project management. Currently, Rithiny is managing the USAID Keo Seima Conservation Project.
Sarath Tao
Finance Manager
Ms. Tao Sarath has been the Finance Manager for WCS Cambodia program since 2006. She completed her Bachelor Degree in Accounting at Phnom Penh Economics University in Cambodia and brings over 30 years of experience working in Accounting for Local government and International Organizations, including Ministry of Economics and Finance and the World Bank. Sarath has played instrumental role as finance manager developing internal controls, processes and supporting program staff and grantees in financial reporting to donors. Sarath is also part of the WCS Senior management team supporting country program level strategies and decision making processes for project implementation.
Vibol Neth
Deputy Country Director
Vibol Neth has more than 16 years of experience working with international organizations, donors, the private sector, and local communities, along with an array of critical skills in natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, community livelihoods, climate change, and REDD+.
Prior to joining WCS, Vibol was the Deputy Country Director of Wildlife Alliance where he directly supported the implementation of the Southern Cardamom and Samkos REDD+ Projects, provided legal advice on Protected Area Law Enforcement and Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team, Tiger Reintroduction Program, supporting a series of program of Wildlife Rescue, Care, Rehabilitation and Release, Community Agriculture Development Project, Community Based Ecotourism Project and Mobile Environmental Education Project. He also served as the Law Enforcement Manager at USAID Greening Prey Lang, overseeing law enforcement capacity-building activities across over a dozen protected areas.
Vibol obtained a Master of Arts in English from Norton University and a Master of Business Administration from the Royal University of Law and Economics.