Press Releases

Entries for February 2017

Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking care of captive Royal Turtles

Views: 6259
Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking care of captive Royal Turtles
(February 28, 2017)   -   Hundreds of thousands of people have heard of the Royal Turtle, Cambodia’s National Reptile, but not many are aware that Ms. Tun Sarorn has spent over 10 years taking caring for and feeding captive Royal Turtles.


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Great News for Lesser Adjutant Conservation in the Northern Plains of Cambodia

Views: 6218
Great News for Lesser Adjutant Conservation in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
(February 23, 2017)   -   After being guarded by local community members for almost three months, 172 Lesser Adjutant chicks have been successfully protected in the Northern Plains, so far this nesting season.


Posted in: Northern Plains

Illegal Electro-fishing Killing Royal Turtle

Views: 9799
Illegal Electro-fishing Killing Royal Turtle
(February 16, 2017)   -   An adult female Royal Turtle was killed by illegal electro-fishing in the Sre Ambel area last week. The dead turtle, which is over 11 years old and weighs 9kg, was found dead along ​the Kaong River.


World Wetlands Day Celebration at Ang Trapeang Thmor Protected Landscape

Views: 5912
World Wetlands Day Celebration at Ang Trapeang Thmor Protected Landscape
(February 16, 2017)   -   More than 500 people from the Ministry of Environment (MoE), provincial, district and local authorities, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), monks, local community, teachers and students marked the celebration of World Wetlands Day 2017 at the Ang Trapeang Thmor Protected Landscape (ATTPL) in Banteay Meanchey Province.


Nut Menghor Has Spent Over 10 Years Researching Wildlife in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 9523
Nut Menghor Has Spent Over 10 Years Researching Wildlife in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
(February 13, 2017)   -   Wildlife research and monitoring is a very difficult task and always presents challenges, but due to his commitment and dedication to conservation, Nut Menghor has spent more than 10 years researching key wildlife species in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri province, providing important information to protected area managers.


Red-headed Vulture Nests Protected in the Northern Plains

Views: 6398
Red-headed Vulture Nests Protected in the Northern Plains
(February 09, 2017)   -   Two nests of the Critically Endangered Red-headed Vulture have been located in Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary (formerly Preah Vihear Protected Forest) in the Northern Plains of Cambodia


Posted in: Northern Plains