Press Releases

Entries for May 2022

580 Iconic Giant Turtle Hatchlings Released into the Mekong River

Views: 3015
580 Iconic Giant Turtle Hatchlings Released into the Mekong River
(May 23, 2022) Kratie (May 23, 2022)—To mark World Turtle Day, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in collaboration with Fisheries Administration celebrates the conservation of the Critically Endangered Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtles in Cambodia, by releasing 580 hatchlings into the wild​ along the Mekong River in Sambour district of Kratie province​. “With continuous support from our donors and good cooperation from the Fisheries Administration (FiA), plus strong commitments of our fiel...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Thirty Royal Turtle Babies Hatch in Captivity in Cambodia

Views: 3478
Thirty Royal Turtle Babies Hatch in Captivity in Cambodia
(May 20, 2022) Koh Kong, Cambodia (20 May 2022) – Thirty Royal Turtle babies hatched in an artificial sand bank at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC) last week. This is the second time that Royal Turtles have laid eggs in captivity in Cambodia. During the 2022 nesting season Royal Turtles in a captive-breeding group at KKRCC laid 81 eggs in nine clutches and 30 of them hatched. This compares favorably with 2021, when only one of 71 eggs in five clutches successfully hatched. At the sa...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Wild Health Net Transition Meeting

Views: 2969
Wild Health Net Transition Meeting
(May 13, 2022) (Phnom Penh) - Last week, the WCS Cambodia Wildlife Health Program organized a final meeting for the DTRA-supported WildHealthNet initiative. The purpose of the meeting was to share WildHealthNet activities and achievements over the last 3 years and discuss opportunities for network partners to maintain wildlife health surveillance during this transition to ensure long-term sustainability of the network. WildHealthNet was initiated in late 2018 with the objective to support capacity building ...


Posted in: Wildlife Health