Press Releases

Entries for June 2017

First Nest of Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile Recorded in Sre Ambel River System

Views: 5335
First Nest of Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile Recorded in Sre Ambel River System
(June 27, 2017)   -   Conservationists from the Fisheries Administration (FiA), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and local communities found a nest with 19 eggs of the Critically Endangered Siamese Crocodile in Kean-to pond, near Preah Angkeo Village, Dongpheng Commune, Sre Ambel District, Koh Kong Province, while searching for tracks, signs, and dung of wild crocodiles in the area. This is the first Siamese Crocodile nest recorded in six years of research and protection in the Sre Ambel River System. Siamese Croc...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Cambodia’s Ministries Come Together to Address Wildlife Trafficking

Views: 8919
Cambodia’s Ministries Come Together to Address Wildlife Trafficking
(June 22, 2017)   -   A first-ever milestone event brought together Cambodian officials and others today to discuss law enforcement options and responses to wildlife trafficking –an increasing threat to the world’s wildlife species.In attendance at the meeting were representatives from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Interior, Military Police, Anti-Corruption Unit, the diplomatic sector, and conservation NGOs.“This is the first time ...


Over 150 Asian Giant Softshell Turtles Returns to the Wild

Views: 8732
Over 150 Asian Giant Softshell Turtles Returns to the Wild
(June 21, 2017)   -   WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) in collaboration with Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA) and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) released 150 Endangered Asian Giant Softshell Turtle hatchlings into their natural habitat along the Mekong River.The hatchlings are part of a community protection program designed to increase the wild population of the species, and had been collected from nests that were guarded by local communities.The Asian Giant Softshell Turtle (Pelochelys cantorii) is l...


Celebrating Environment Day 2017

Views: 6360
Celebrating Environment Day 2017
(June 16, 2017)   -   WCS joined the Ministry of Environment, non-governmental organizations and other 400 local students and community members to mark the celebration of World and National Environment Day 2017 at Kulen High School, Preah Vihear Province. With this year’s theme of “connecting people to nature”, this awareness event was organized to urge all local stakeholders to engage in forest protection and biodiversity conservation that will significantly contribute to addressing climate change issues in the coun...


Posted in: Northern Plains

Poaching for Traditional Medicine a Threat to Colorful Primate’s Last Refuge

Views: 9693
Poaching for Traditional Medicine a Threat to Colorful Primate’s Last Refuge
(June 12, 2017)   -   Two suspects have been sent to Mondulkiri Provincial Court after being arrested on suspicion of killing two Globally Endangered Black-shanked Douc Langur inside Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS). “Educating local communities is needed to encourage their participation in wildlife conservation. In addition, all Cambodian people can also play an important role in conserving our priceless wildlife from extinction by not purchasing or eating wild meat,” he added.


Can Cambodia’s Rice Farmers and Bengal Floricans Co-exist?

Views: 8981
Can Cambodia’s Rice Farmers and Bengal Floricans Co-exist?
(June 08, 2017)   -   Commercial dry-season rice cultivation in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap floodplain increasingly threatens the Critically Endangered Bengal Florican, a new study says. This and other threats put the species at high risk of extinction in the near future, unless it is managed appropriately.


Khoeun Khea – Safeguarding Cambodia’s forest

Views: 7728
Khoeun Khea – Safeguarding Cambodia’s forest
(June 02, 2017)   -   Khoeun Khea, 19, lives in an isolated village in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary (KPWS). In June 2016, Khoeun Khea came across a colony of 30 Lesser Adjutant nesting pairs whilst collecting resin in forest near his house. This is the second year the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has employed Khoeun Khea to protect the nests of globally threatened Lesser Adjutants in KPWS.


Over 200 Local Community members in Tmatbouy village, Preah Vihear Joined the Cambodian Nature Film Screening

Views: 5245
Over 200 Local Community members in Tmatbouy village, Preah Vihear Joined the Cambodian Nature Film Screening
(June 02, 2017)   -   Fauna in Focus (FiF), a new environmental education and public awareness project, in collaboration with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) screened the Cambodian Nature Film in front more than 200 people, including Ministry of Environment’s Officials, local authorities, community members, teachers and young students at Tmatbouy Primary school in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, Preah Vihear Province.


Posted in: Northern Plains