Press Releases

Entries for August 2016

WCS’s Ecotourism Partner Named Finalist for 2016 World Responsible Tourism Awards

Views: 6962
WCS’s Ecotourism Partner Named Finalist for 2016 World Responsible Tourism Awards
(August 29, 2016)   -   Cambodia’s Sam Veasna Center (SVC) has been named one of just 13 finalists in the 2016 World Responsible Tourism Awards at the World Travel Market in London. SVC manages wildlife viewing trips with exclusive access to Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) sites across Cambodia.


Signing Ceremony of Keo Seima’s REDD+ Carbon Project Agreement

Views: 6467
Signing Ceremony of Keo Seima’s REDD+ Carbon Project Agreement
(August 12, 2016)   -   The Royal Government of Cambodia and the Wildlife Conservation Society signed an official Project Agreement for the Keo Seima REDD+ Project (Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) today witnessed by H.E. Say Samal, Minister of Environment and U.S. Ambassador William A. Heidt, at the offices of the Ministry of Environment.


Posted in: Seima Forest

Wildlife-Friendly Ibis Rice Received International Recognition

Views: 6087
Wildlife-Friendly Ibis Rice Received International Recognition
(August 08, 2016)   -   This recognition will allow Ibis Rice to be officially labeled as ‘Organic’ in the international market. This means there could be many new opportunities internationally for Ibis Rice in the future.


Posted in: Northern Plains

Prek Toal Core Area Becomes A Ramsar Site

Views: 7141
Prek Toal Core Area Becomes A Ramsar Site
(August 08, 2016)   -   In recognition of the incredible biological, social and economic value of the site, Prek Toal Core Area was designated as a Wetland of International Importance (also known as a ‘Ramsar Site’) by the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in December 2015. This recognition means that Prek Toal becomes Cambodia’s fourth Ramsar Site.  


Pesticides: a major threat to Cambodia’s wildlife and biodiversity conservation

Views: 6580
Pesticides: a major threat to Cambodia’s wildlife and biodiversity conservation
(August 07, 2016)   -   A new report reveals that the use of a very toxic pesticide is killing wild animals and may seriously affect the health of local communities in rural Cambodia.


Posted in: Northern Plains