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KSWS Working Group receives capacity building on zonation of protected areas

Views: 2638
KSWS Working Group receives capacity building on zonation of protected areas
(April 04, 2019) Phnom Penh – Members of working group for zonation of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary (KSWS) received the first capacity building on “Process and Procedure of Zonation and Management Plan for KSWS” after the group was formed in August last year.   Funded by US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and co-organized by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and WCS, the two-day training, commencing on March 28, aimed t...


Posted in: Seima Forest

Technical meeting between Viet Nam and Cambodia on strengthening cross-border collaboration to combat wildlife trafficking

Views: 2041
Technical meeting between Viet Nam and Cambodia on strengthening cross-border collaboration to combat wildlife trafficking
(March 26, 2019) Da Nang, March 25-26, 2019 -- Representatives from Customs of Viet Nam and Cambodia and Cambodian National Police met to discuss cross-border collaboration to combat wildlife trafficking in a two-day meeting in Da Nang, Viet Nam on 25-26 March. The meeting provided an opportunity for participants to share information on the roles of each agency, typical cases of cross-border wildlife trafficking, and sophisticated tactics of traders, highlighting that intelligence sharing between Customs an...


Posted in: Wildlife Health

WCS, Ministry of Justice discuss cooperation to combat wildlife trafficking

Views: 2046
WCS, Ministry of Justice discuss cooperation to combat wildlife trafficking
(March 13, 2019) Phnom Penh -- In March 2019 the Ministry of Justice and WCS jointly organized a workshop on transnational wildlife trafficking at Phnom Penh Hotel. Seventy-six participants including Judges and Prosecutors from each of the 24 provinces and staff from the Ministry of Justice participated in the workshop to discuss and develop recommendations on how to strengthen efforts to combat wildlife trafficking in Cambodia. The meeting focused on key issues including investigations of trafficking and the ma...


Posted in: Wildlife Health

The fight against the sand mining brings hope for Royal Turtles!

Views: 9717
The fight against the sand mining brings hope for Royal Turtles!
(November 16, 2018) Sre Ambel, Koh Kong Province (November 14, 2018) - The circular and declaration issued on 10 July 2017 by the Ministry of Mines and Energy’s (MME) to stop all types of sand dredging activities in Sre Ambel River system in Koh Kong Province, have led to the renewal of the nesting beaches along the river. Thanks to heavy rain and floods, some of the beaches are coming back naturally. This is the result of the great efforts and success of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in collaboration w...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Critically Endangered Royal Turtles on the road to recovery!

Views: 3421
Critically Endangered Royal Turtles on the road to recovery!
(October 05, 2018) Sre Ambel, Koh Kong Province (October 05, 2018) - After their release in November last year in Sre Ambel River system, the WCS monitoring team and the Department of Fisheries Conservation of Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reported that recovery efforts for the only remaining wild population of the Southern River Terrapin are showing signs of success. All of turtles that were released in 2017 have been detected since. The monitoring data shows that one h...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

White-winged duck released back to the wild in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, Northern Plains Landscape (Preah Vihear province)

Views: 3932
White-winged duck released back to the wild in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, Northern Plains Landscape (Preah Vihear province)
(July 20, 2018)  Throughout their distribution white-winged duck populations have been undergoing a very rapid and continuing decline as a result of disturbance and loss of crucially important riverine habitats. Currently listed on the IUCN Red List as Globally Endangered, their small and very fragmented global population of around 1000 individuals is spread across India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia (around 100). White-winged duck rely on undisturbed riverin...


Posted in: Northern Plains

Nest Protection Program Secures the Fledging of Nearly 7,000 Birds in the Northern Plains of Cambodia

Views: 3850
Nest Protection Program Secures the Fledging of Nearly 7,000 Birds in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
(April 02, 2018)   -   Since 2002, WCS, Ministry of Environment (MoE) and community members have protected 3,800 nests of 11 globally threatened bird species, leading..


Posted in: Northern Plains

Poisoning Continues to Threaten Key Wildlife Species in the Northern Plains of Cambodia

Views: 3661
Poisoning Continues to Threaten Key Wildlife Species in the Northern Plains of Cambodia
(March 27, 2018)   -   Endangered wildlife in the Northern Plains of Cambodia are facing a continued threat from the widespread use of pesticides to poison...


Posted in: Northern Plains

Over 600 Eggs of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle Discovered in Mekong River

Views: 3430
Over 600 Eggs of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle Discovered in Mekong River
(March 20, 2018)   -   Conservationists from Fisheries Administration (FiA) WCS and community members have found 20 nests of Asian Giant Softshell Turtle containing 663 eggs on sand bars along the Mekong River in...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Over 200 young students learned about Bengal Florican and its situation

Views: 3584
Over 200 young students learned about Bengal Florican and its situation
(March 18, 2018)   -   Some 210 young students paid a visit to Northern Tonle Sap Protected Landscape (NTSPL) to see the Critically Endangered Bengal Floricans and understand about their natural habitat ...


Twenty Villages Sign Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary’s Carbon Credit Agreement for Community Development

Views: 3895
Twenty Villages Sign Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary’s Carbon Credit Agreement for Community Development
(March 12, 2018)   -   The Ministry of Environment (MoE), Provincial Authorities and WCS provided local communities from 20 villages with Community Development Agreements under Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary’s (KSWS) REDD+ project...


Posted in: Seima Forest

Six Critically Endangered White-shouldered Ibis Nests Protected in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 3493
Six Critically Endangered White-shouldered Ibis Nests Protected in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary
(March 05, 2018)   -   Six White-shouldered Ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) nests have been found in Tmatbouy village in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary so far this year by conservationists from ...


Posted in: Northern Plains

Stakeholders Successfully Demarcate Boundary of Phnom Tbeng Natural Heritage Park

Views: 3177
Stakeholders Successfully Demarcate Boundary of Phnom Tbeng Natural Heritage Park
(February 21, 2018)   -   Preah Vihear Provincial authorities, Department of Environment (DoE), local communities and WCS have successfully completed the demarcation of the Phnom Tbeng Natural Heritage Park...


Posted in: Northern Plains

A Nest of Critically Endangered Royal Turtle Found in Sre Ambel River System

Views: 3506
A Nest of Critically Endangered Royal Turtle Found in Sre Ambel River System
(February 18, 2018)   -   A nest of the Critically Endangered Royal Turtle with 16 eggs has been discovered by conservationists from Fisheries Administration (FiA), WCS, and local communities along Sre Ambel River system...


Posted in: Mangrove Terrapin

Wildlife Conservationists Encouraged by Cambodia’s Pursuit of Justice in Murder Case of Three Rangers and Committed to the Protection of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 3005
Wildlife Conservationists Encouraged by Cambodia’s Pursuit of Justice in Murder Case of Three Rangers and Committed to the Protection of Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
(February 13, 2018)   -   Wildlife Conservation Society is encouraged by the Cambodian Government’s actions pursuing justice in connection to the murder two weeks ago of...


Posted in: Seima Forest

Statement from WCS on the Killing of Three Conservation Heroes in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 4796
Statement from WCS on the Killing of Three Conservation Heroes in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
(February 02, 2018)   -   The following statement was released by the Wildlife Conservation Society concerning the murder of three conservation heroes in Cambodia on 30th ...


Posted in: Seima Forest

Three Critically Endangered Red-headed Vulture Nests Discovered in Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 3007
Three Critically Endangered Red-headed Vulture Nests Discovered in Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary
(January 29, 2018)   -   Three nests of the Critically Endangered Red-headed vulture were found in Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary by conservationists from...


Posted in: Northern Plains

Community Members Confiscate over 500 Snares and 80 Chainsaws in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 3409
Community Members Confiscate over 500 Snares and 80 Chainsaws in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
(January 21, 2018)   -   Over 500 snares and 80 chainsaws confiscated in 2017 by community patrol teams, led by Ministry of Environment’s (MoE) officials with members from local communities, show ...


Posted in: Seima Forest

A young Asian Elephant found dead inside Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

Views: 3515
A young Asian Elephant found dead inside Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
(January 08, 2018)   -   A young male wild elephant, age about one year old, was found dead trapped in a hole...


Posted in: Seima Forest

Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary Holds Potential for Further Ecotourism Development

Views: 3189
Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary Holds Potential for Further Ecotourism Development
(January 04, 2018)   -   A series of study have shown KSWS is potential for future ecotourism development....


Posted in: Seima Forest

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